External Advisory Board

External Advisory Board (EAB) is a counselling body of the CLEAR research project. The renowned members of the EAB have proven expertise in project-relevant research fields and serve as external partners with critical and constructive views on the project’s outputs and preliminary results.

Prof. Dr. Sabine Hornberg, TU Dortmund University


Sabine Hornberg studied psychology, sociology, and education at the University of Bielefeld and received a Doctoral Degree with a dissertation from the Ruhr University Bochum on “European Community and Multicultural Society – Aspirations and Reality of European Education Policy and Practice” and habilitated with a thesis on “School in the Process of the Internationalisation of Education”. She has been active in comparative and international education for many years, acting e.g. as project coordinator of PIRLS 2006 Germany and PIRLS 2006 Luxemburg, Chair of the Subdivision for Comparative and International Educational and of the Division for Intercultural and International Comparative Education in the German Education Research Association (GERA), and Editor of Tertium Comparationis – Journal for International Comparative and Multicultural Education. Currently Sabine Hornberg is Professor for School Pedagogy, Curriculum and Teaching in the Context of Heterogeneity and Dean of the Faculty of Educational Science and Psychology, TU Dortmund University.

Link to Personal Homepage: https://iads.ep.tu-dortmund.de/sabine-hornberg-1/

Research foci

  • Education and schools in the processes of globalization, internationalization and Europeanisation
  • Transnational Educational Spaces (TES)
  • Privatization of education and schooling
  • Teaching and learning in the context of heterogeneity
  • Roma in education systems
  • Empirical educational research (mixed method)

Selected publications

Szakács-Behling, S. & Hornberg, S. (2023). Transformation and Transnationalisation of schooling: Wherein lies the transformative potential of Global Citizenship Education? ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 46(3), 4-9.

Sonnenburg, N. & Hornberg, S. (Eds.). (2022). Schooling in the COVID-19 pandemic era – Examples from school systems in four countries. Tertium Comparationis – Journal for International Comparative and Multicultural Education, 28(3). https://doi.org/10.31244/tc.2022.03

Parreira do Amaral, M. & Hornberg, S. (2016). Teaching comparative and international education: bridging social demands for practical performance-based competencies with critical reflectivity. In P. K. Kubow & A. H. Blosser (Hrsg.), Teaching comparative education: trends and issues informing practice (S. 183–201). Oxford: Symposium Books.

Hornberg, S. (2014). Transnational educational spaces. Border-transcending dimensions in education. In L. Vega (Hrsg.), Empires, post-coloniality and interculturality. New challenges for comparative education (S. 171–180). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Prof. Markku Jahnukainen Ph.D., University of Helsinki


Professor of Special Education,
Vice Dean (Societal Interaction)
Faculty of Educational Sciences,
University of Helsinki, Finland

Board Member, Finnish National Agency for Education
Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta, Canada
Title of Docent, University of Turku, Finland

Link to Personal Homepage: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/about-us/people/people-finder/markku-jahnukainen-9019051

Research interest

My research and teaching are focused on 1) transitions and life-courses of individuals with diverse educational needs, and 2) comparative educational policy related to inclusive and special education.


  • PhD (Special Education, 1998), University of Helsinki
  • MEd (Educational Sciences, 1992), University of Helsinki
  • Professor (Full), Special Education, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 1.7.2010–31.1.2012
  • Assistant/Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, University of Alberta, Canada, 1.7.2007–30.6.2010
  • Senior Lecturer, Special Education, University of Helsinki, 1.8.2005–31.7.2007
  • Academy Researcher, Academy of Finland, 1.8.2004– 31.7.2005
  • Team Leader, Vocational Special Teacher and Career Counselor Education, HAMK
  • University of Applied Sciences, Hämeenlinna, Finland, 1.1.2001–31.7.2004
  • Post-doctoral researcher, Academy of Finland, 1.8.2000 – 31.12.2000
  • Research Associate, University of Helsinki, 1.8.1995–31.7.2000

Selected publications

  • Kirjavainen, T., Pulkkinen, J. & M. Jahnukainen (2016). Special education students in transition to further education: A four-year register-based follow-up study in Finland. Learning and Individual Differences 45 (1), 33–42.
  • Kalalahti, M., Varjo, J., Jahnukainen, M. (2017) Immigrant-origin youth and the indecisiveness of choice for upper secondary education in Finland. Journal of Youth Studies 20 (9), 1242–1262.
  • Holmberg, L., Kalalahti, M., Varjo, J., Kivirauma, J., Mäkelä, M.-L., Saarinen, M., Zacheus, T. & Jahnukainen, M. (2018). Educational trajectories of immigrant-origin youths in Finland: a mixed methods analysis. Journal of Education and Work, 31(7–8), 563–578.
  • Talaslampi, H., Jahnukainen, M. & Manninen, M. (2019). The factors that contribute educational outcomes of adolescents placed in care due to severe behavioral problems. Children and Youth Services Review 102, 210-221.
  • Kalalahti, M., Niemi, A-M., Varjo, J. & Jahnukainen, M. (2020) Diversified transitions and educational equality? Negotiating the transitions of young people with an immigrant background and/or with special educational needs. Nordic Studies in Education, 40 (1), 36-54.
  • Niemi, A-M. & Jahnukainen, M. (2020) Educating self-governing learners and employees: Studying, learning and pedagogical practices in the context of vocational education and its reform. Journal of Youth Studies, 23 (9), 1143-1160.
  • Varjo, J., Kalalahti, M., & Jahnukainen, M. (2020). The reasoning behind the envisioned educational trajectories of young people from Finnish and immigrant origins. Education Inquiry11(4), 360-378.

Prof. Lisbeth Lundahl, Ph.D., Umeå University


I am Professor in Educational Work at Umeå University since 2002. I am a visiting professor at Gothenburg University, Sweden, 2022-23 and acted as a visiting professor at University of Turku, Finland 2015 – 2020. I was appointed an Honorary Doctoral degree at University of Turku, Finland, in 2021.

Link to Personal Homepage: https://www.umu.se/en/staff/lisbeth-lundahl/

Research interest

My research mainly concerns education policy, and young people´s trajectories and choices in policy, institutional and individual perspectives.


I have been the principal investigator of numerous research projects, commonly funded by the research councils, and in addition I have participated in a range of Swedish and international research projects.

I am the leader of the cross-disciplinary research program “Education Policy and Young People´s Transitions”, engaging some 20 senior and junior researchers.

I have had a number of leader assignments at the universities of Lund and Umeå, where I moved in 1987. I was a vice rector of Umeå University in 2003-2008. I was a member of the Social Science Research Council, the Swedish council for working life and social research (FAS), and the Educational science committee (UVK) of the Swedish Research Council. I acted as Secretary General of the European Educa­tion­al Research Asso­ciation (EERA) 2005-2008 and I am one of the founders of the Swedish Educa­tion­al Research Asso­ciation (SWERA, 2013).

Selected Publications

Sundelin, Å., & Lundahl, L. (2022). Managing critical transitions : Career support to young people risking ineligibility for upper secondary education. European Educational Research Journal (Online). Epub ahead of print. https://doi.org/10.1177/14749041221094439

Rönnberg, L., Alexiadou, N., Benerdal, M., Carlbaum, S., Holm, A.-S., & Lundahl, L. (2022). Swedish free school companies going global: Spatial imaginaries and movable pedagogical ideas. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy8(1), 9-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/20020317.2021.2008115

Brunila, K., & Lundahl, L. (2020). Youth on the Move: Tendencies and Tensions in Youth Policies and Practices. Helsinki University Press.

Lundahl, L., Linde, J., Lindgren, J., Rosvall, P.- Å., & Sundelin, Å. (2020). Locality and the Prevention of Early School Leaving: Supporting Youth Transitions to Upper Secondary School in a Highly Decentralised Education System. Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance, 1(1), 38–52. https://doi.org/10.16993/njtcg.27

Prof. Robin Simmons, Ph.D., University of Huddersfield


I am Professor at the Department of Education and Community Studies, School of Education and Professional Development, University of Huddersfield, and a member of the Huddersfield Centre for Research in Education and Society (HudCRES).

 External positions:

Executive Committee, Society for Educational Studies, 18 Nov 2021 → currently

External examiner, University of Greenwich, 2 Jan 202031 Dec 2024

External examiner, National University of Ireland, Galway, 1 Sep 201831 Aug 2022

External examiner, Ulster University, 1 Sep 201531 Aug 2019

Executive Committee, Association for Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 5 May 2015 → currently

External examiner, University of Bolton,1 Sep 201331 Aug 2017

Link to Personal Homepage: https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/persons/robin-simmons

Research interest

  • Education policy
  • The sociology of education
  • Education and de-industrialisation
  • Educational and labour market experiences of marginalised youth, and those of teachers, support workers and other practitioners working with young people


Currently, I am Professor of Education at the University of Huddersfield, where I have been since 2004. My research focuses on a number of related themes including education policy, the history of education, and the sociology of education. I am, however, perhaps best known for my research into youth unemployment and the lives of marginalized young people, especially those categorised as NEET (not in education, employment or training) or vulnerable to becoming NEET.

Selected Publications

Simmons, R., & Thompson, R. (2011). NEET Young People and Training for Work: Learning on the Margins. Trentham Books.

Simmons, R., Thompson, R., & Russell, L. (2014). Education, Work and Social Change. Young People and Marginalization in Post-Industrial Britain. Palgrave Macmillan.

Simmons, R., & Smyth, J. (Eds.) (2018). Education and Working-Class Youth. Reshaping the Politics of Inclusion. Palgrave Macmillan.

Simmons, R., & Simpson, K. (2022). Education, Work and Social Change in Britain’s Former Coalfield Communities. The Ghost of Coal. Palgrave Macmillan.

Prof. Dr. Tanja Sturm, University of Hamburg


I am a professor for primary education with a focus on the diversity spectrum in pre-school and primary school at the University of Hamburg in Germany. I am a member of the Board of the German Educational Research Association (GERA) and represent GERA in the World Educational Research Association (WERA).

Link to Personal Homepage: https://www.ew.uni-hamburg.de/ueber-die-fakultaet/personen/sturm.html

Research interest

My research interests are construction of diversity and difference, inclusion and exclusion in educational settings, Praxeological Sociology of knowledge and documentary method, especially videography of classroom practice.


My academic training started at the University of Hamburg, Germany, where I studied to become a special ed teacher and finished my PhD in the field of school and professional development. I habilitated in educational research at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University in Mainz/Germany.

Selected publications

  • Sturm, Tanja. (2016). Lehrbuch: Heterogenität in der Schule (2. überarbeitete ed.). München, Basel: Reinhardt Verlag, UTB.
  • Sturm, Tanja. (2019). Constructing and addressing differences in inclusive schooling – comparing cases from Germany, Norway and the United States. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23(6), 656-669. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2018.1444105
  • Sturm, Tanja. (2022). Relation von Norm und Praxis erziehungswissenschaftlicher Zugänge zu Inklusion und Partizipation in der Grundschule. Zeitschrift für Grundschulforschung, 15, 1-14.