University of Genova, Italy (UNIGE)
The University of Genova (UNIGE) is a public institution provided with scientific, educational, organizational and financial autonomy and it is involved in the building of a European area for research and advanced professional training. It operates in accordance with the principles of the Constitution of the Italian Republic and of Magna Charta subscribed by European Universities in 1988. With its 126 Degrees, more than 55 Postgraduate Schools, and 26 Masters, UNIGE provides a truly multi-disciplinary teaching offer to more than 30.000 students, and nearly 2.800 international students. UNIGE is currently involved in 44 active projects under H2020 projects (116 projects in FP7), over 68 projects funded under Interreg, LIFE (25 projects since 1999) and other international funding instruments (over 25 Erasmus Plus KA2 Knowledge Alliance, Strategic Partnerships and Capacity Building). Thanks to the activities of the team of sociologists, anthropologists, pedagogues, geographers, psychologists, linguist, philosophers and anthropologists, the Department of Educational Sciences (DISFOR) promotes research and educational activities in the areas of education and training in a wide-ranging epistemological framework that is centered on the study of the individual and of society. DISFOR is engaged in many European scientific programmes in different fields. The staff has been cooperating with other European and extra-European countries in order to promote the cultural exchange and develop knowledge and best practices for teaching.

Sebastiano Benasso, PhD, is Senior Assistant Professor in Sociology at the University of Genoa, Italy. His main research interests include Youth Studies, youth cultures, life course transitions and lifestyles. He is the coordinator of the Visual Sociology Laboratory at the University of Genoa and a member of the editorial board of About Gender. International Journal of Gender Studies. He has been participating in several national and international research projects (e.g., Horizon2020 and Erasmus+ funded projects) and he has published extensively. Website:

Valeria Pandolfini, P.h.D., is Senior Assistant Professor in Sociology at the University of Genoa, Italy. Her main research interests include educational processes, training systems, skills mismatch and lifelong learning, in particular issues of social inequalities in education and evaluation of educational policies, with special regard to methodological aspects linked to combined use of qualitative and quantitative social research techniques. Pandolfini has collaborated to several national and international research projects and published extensively. Website:

Luca Raffini P.h.D., is Senior Assistant Professor in Political Sociology at the University of Genoa, Italy. His main research interests include social and political participation, youth condition, mobility and migration, social innovation, social movements and conflicts on science. He is co-editor of Participation and Conflict, an International Journal based in Italy specialized in social and political studies, and member of the editorial board of SocietàMutamentoPolitica – Rivista Italiana di Sociologia. He is also engaged in the design and management of participatory and deliberative processes, as a facilitator. He has collaborated to several national and international research projects and published extensively. Website:

Anna Siri, PhD, is Senior Assistant Professor in Anthropology at the University of Genoa, Italy. Anna is co-founder of the UNESCO Chair in Anthropology of Health. Biosphere and Healing Systems, and she is the keeper of the Museum of Ethnomedicine A. Scarpa of the University of Genoa. Her main research interests are the interconnections between gender, social vulnerability and inequalities in health and education. She has consolidated experience in European projects and has been writing and coordinating for years several research projects funded under the prestigious MSCA and H2020 programmes and teaching and science dissemination projects funded by Ministry of Culture, Foundations and EACEA under the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership programme. Website:

Davide Filippi is a post-doc researcher at University of Genoa, Italy. His main research interests include migration processes, higher education, intersectionality and youth studies. He is member of the Visual Sociology Laboratory at the University of Genoa and a member of the editorial board of About Gender. International Journal of Gender Studies. He has collaborated to several national and international research projects and published extensively. Website:
Contribution to the Project
The UNIGE research team will lead the work package devoted to the application of transversal participatory methods throughout the CLEAR project. The team is skilled in managing participatory processes and contributes to the project with its expertise in the analysis of youth condition and life courses, with particular regard to the issue of inequalities and their relation with the educational systems.