Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon, Portugal (IE-Ulisboa)

The Institute of Education belongs to the University of Lisbon, the largest and the most prestigious university in Portugal and one of Europe’s leading universities. The Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon (IE-ULisboa) embraces the domains of research, teaching, community intervention, and support to public policies and programs in the area of education and training. IE-ULisboa offers undergraduate (B.A) and graduate programs (M.A and PhD) attended by around 1000 students and undertakes research in the field of Educational Sciences. Currently, IE-ULisboa participates in 30 national and international funded projects.


Natália Alves

Natália Alves is associate professor at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon and researcher at Research & Development Center on Education and Training (UIDEF). Her main research interests are Vocational Education and Training (VET) Policies, Practices and Inequalities, and Transitions, Experiential Learning, Biographization and Identity. She has participated in many national and international research projects and she is (co)author of several books, chapters and articles. Website:

Carmen Cavaco

Carmen Cavaco is assistant professor at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon, with experience in the development of both graduate and undergraduate courses. She is a member of the Research & Development Center on Education and Training (UIDEF), in the area of education and training policies. She is the author of many scientific publications. Her main areas of teaching and research are: adult education, adult education policy, non-formal and informal education, experiential learning, adults with low educational level and illiterate adults, validation and recognition of prior learning, and biographical approach. Website:

Paula Guimarães

Paula Guimarães is assistant professor at the at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon and researcher at Research & Development Center on Education and Training (UIDEF). She was a visiting professor at the University of Wuerzburg (Germany) in 2020-2021 and has joined several international winter schools in this same university since 2013. She has developed several research projects funded by national and international programs and published articles, chapters and books on adult education and adult education policies. Her main research interests are adult education policies, and adult education and international organizations. Website:

Contribution to the Project

IE-ULisboa team contributes to the CLEAR project with its large experience in qualitative research and its expertise in the field of adult education policies, experiential learning, transitions and identities.