UAB Team in Project CLEAR
UAB has gained a strong reputation since its foundation in 1968. In 2020-21, 107 bachelor’s degrees, 141 master’s degrees and 67 PhD programmes constituted the core of its teaching activity. UAB researchers were also carrying out 68 international and 206 national projects.
Three members of the Globalisation, Education and Social Policies (GEPS) will participate in CLEAR. GEPS carries out critical research on educational policies and practices, particularly on their impact on educational inequalities and systems from a social justice perspective. Recently, these three researchers have been involved in the following projects that can contribute to the thematic scope of CLEAR: YOUNG_ADULLLT (, edu Post 16 (, BLEARN_AUTONOMY ( and Employability in Programme Development (

Xavier Rambla is Associate Professor of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). In the last decade, he has participated in research on higher education policies, lifelong learning policies in the European Union, the Civil Society Education Fund, and Education for All in Latin America.

Aina Tarabini is Associate Professor of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Her research is concerned with the (re)production of social inequalities in the daily life of education systems, schools and students. Tarabini is particularly interested in the analysis of the processes of teaching and learning, the modes of pedagogic and curricular provision and the students’ identities, experiences and trajectories through the system.

Rosario Scandurra is Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellow and a member of the Globalisation, Education and Social Policies (GEPS) research centre at the Faculty of Sociology, Autonomous University of Barcelona. His research has examined educational- and skills inequalities and how these inequalities are accumulated during the life course. Multiple questions emerged from this work concerning the complementary sequences of effects embedded in individual contexts of skills formation. Dr. Scandurra has examined extensively the school-to-work transition of young people in European territories, with a particular concern for educational opportunities and school segregation at the local level.

Martí Manzano is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Sociology at UAB. His recently defended doctoral thesis analyses transitions to post-compulsory education for descendants of migrants in Barcelona. His primary areas of interest in the sociology of education include exploring the interactions of class, migration, and ethnicity as axes of inequality, studying educational trajectories and transitions, and examining the connections between social and scholar identities. He has conducted research and published works in areas such as school marketing, educational innovation, and segregation. Martí has also contributed to research projects on early school leaving and educational transitions, and he has worked as a consultant with institutions such as the Barcelona City Council and the school of new opportunities, El Llindar.