Codici is an Italian independent non profit organization, based in Milan, providing effective approaches and participative methods of intervention and dissemination to the stakeholders operating in the area of ​​welfare and socio-economic, social and cultural change. Codici has carried out research projects, research-action, intervention and mediation, consulting and evaluation in: migration and social integration, marginalization, youth policies and policies for the second generations, minor offenders, Italian and foreign NEETs, social cohesion and community development in urban areas. Codici’s team consists of 22 employees including sociologists, psychologists, social workers and two communication experts. Among the EU projects recently funded as partner: STAND BY ME – Social-Ecological approaches for care-leavers inclusion through participatory policymaking. (REC-RCHI-PROF-AG-2017-785708, 2018-2020); Me&You&Everyone we know – Transnational co-designed educational tools preventing sexual harassment in secondary schools (JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/SEXV/8585, 2016-2019), L.I.K.E. – Life Investment is the Key to Employment of young NEETs (EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment, 2018 – 2023), MENT – Migrant entrepreneurs supported by mentors (HOME/2015/AMIF/AG/INTE, 2016 –2018), Breaking the Circle – a transnational action research in juvenile justice sector (JUST/2014/JPPI/AG/CHIL/6928, 2016-2017).


Francesca Zamboni

Francesca Zamboni, associated member of Codici since 2013, is a psychologist and social researcher experienced on social inclusion and cohesion, community welfare, and new addictions. At Codici she’s in charge for project designing and project coordination of national and European funded projects, project evaluation and monitoring, as well as organizational management. She’s has a degree in Social and Community Psychology (University of Padova) and a Master in Intercultural Studies. Francesca will contribute to CLEAR management of Italian activities related to the implementation of a participatory approach.

Andrea Rampini

Andrea Rampini, co-funder of Codici since 2007, is an accomplished social researcher, trainer, consultant and participation expert, with 14 years of experience in designing and managing complex research and innovation projects for NGOs, CSOs and public bodies. His main areas of interest are children and youth policies, childhood and international migrations, care-leavers and children in alternative care, roma children and children from minority groups, child-friendly justice, participatory methods for children and youth engagement. He holds a degree in Public Administration and International Organizations Management (Bocconi University, Milan) and a master degree in Local and Global Development and Cooperation (University of Bologna). Andrea will contribute to CLEAR Italian field activities related to the implementation of a participatory approach.

Dr. Cristina Cavallo

Dr. Cristina Cavallo, associated member of Codici since 2018, has a degree in Political Sciences with a focus on Labor Studies and holds a PhD in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research. At Codici she design, coordinates and conduct research activities in the field of migration, educational poverty, inclusion and participatory methods. She’s in charge for project coordination of local and national funded projects, project evaluation and monitoring and she supports Codici’s communication teams. Cristina will contribute to CLEAR Italian field activities related to the implementation of a participatory approach.

Valentina Vivona

Valentina Vivona is a ten-year experienced multimedia journalist and communications expert with a background in Environmental Economics and Peace Studies. She focuses on environmental and social issues, publishing for several national and international outlets such as Altreconomia and Are We Europe. In 2014 she won the national award “Premio Morrione” for an investigative video on illicit waste disposal in Rome (Italy) for RaiNews. She lived and worked in Bosnia Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Spain and France. She carried out transnational European projects on media-related issues and data journalism within the non-profit Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) from 2017 to 2022. She is currently working as expert in Communication and Social Media management, in charge for the design of participative communication strategies at Codici.

Contribution to the Project

Codici is one of the three Italian partners of CLEAR, with a close look on the educational system as non for profit organisation active at local, regional and national level in promoting participative approach and bottom-up processes of inclusion.

The CODICI team brings together in a unique way experience and expertise relevant for the CLEAR project: experience in EU research activities with a strong participative approach, field experience related to bottom-up process of inclusion, expertise in youngster participation and inclusion strategies in policy making, expertise with regard to educational governance and education policy, educational transitions, lifelong learning and social pedagogy while bringing together educational research, policy and practice represents an important concern.