The CLEAR research project successfully launched


The CLEAR research project has been successfully launched during a two-day meeting in Münster, Germany.

On October 6, 2022, the CLEAR Consortium has organised an Opening Symposium to raise the issues to be tackled within the project. The guests were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels, Rector of the University of Münster, as well as by Prof. Dr. Marcelo Parreira do Amaral, the Coordinator of the project.

Prof. Dr. Tanja Sturm (Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany) has presented the Keynote titled “Social Construction of differences in education and achievement in policy and practice – comparing Canada and Germany”, that highlighted the relevance understanding the factors constructing educational (under)achievement.

The Keynote was followed by a Roundtable Discussion, moderated by Dr. Katrin Bergener from the Centre for Europe at the University of Münster, with a particular focus on promises and challenges of learning outcomes. We were particularly delighted to host Dr. Rocío García-Carríon (Deusto University), who shared her thoughts on the common research topic and presented the project SCIREARLY, equally funded by the Horizon Europe.

On October 6 and 7, 2022, the First “Kick-Off” Consortium Meeting of the CLEAR research project took place. During its first meeting, the Consortium members had the opportunity to exchange extensively on the issues of researching learning outcomes, but also to create a common vision and shared understanding of the topics, concepts, and overall goals of the project.

The members have been informed about the project’s infrastructure and management, the ethical issues at stake, as well as about the planned publication and dissemination activities. A vital part of the meeting was the debate on participatory activities in CLEAR, which was presented by the partners from Genova and Milano.

Further on, a special attention was devoted to the Early Career Researchers, who have been invited to actively contribute with their views and experiences during the different project’s phases.


The 1st Consortium Meeting has been a successful starting point of the project and has given the Consortium members vital impulses for next research steps and activities.


CLEAR research project at the ECER 2024 conference

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